Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Local meal #2

(This was originally posted on Facebook on June 13.)

Technically, this is local meal #3, but since I neither photographed nor wrote up a description of my last meal, I'm thinking it doesn't count. (In case you're curious, though, it was another tartine--same Atwater bread, same delicious goat cheese, but this time with sliced tomatoes and a side of strawberries.)

Today, I made a very simple potato salad with baby red potatoes, yogurt from Blue Ridge Dairy, chives, salt, and pepper. I had that with a slice of country white bread from Atwater, toasted with some butter from Blue Ridge.

And, I had a bowl of strawberries. I've learned my lesson about strawberries--eat them the day you get them, on the way home from the market if possible. They go bad so quickly...

I was able to visit two farmers markers today--Mt. Pleasant and U Street. At the U Street market I picked up some fresh fava beans, which I am so excited to use (any ideas?). I'm actually looking forward to the labor-intensive shelling, even. I just hope I got enough. I also got some kale that I am planning to saute with garlic and white beans sometime this week. That will definitely not count as a local meal, though, what with the canned beans.

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